Our Future Projects
Plant Catalog
fill out spreadsheets, making signage
Side greenhouse and/or walipini - for keeping some crops during the winter. Small sunken walk-in greenhouse On site tree mill - we will likely have to cut down a tree on site soon. We are hoping to build a mobile milling station to turn it to lumber.
Tiny house / shed / outdoor shower - we were thinking of building a small shed to keep tools locked up on site. Alternatively we could try out an outdoor shower concept. This could be done with the lumber from above
Garden beds - more of what we’ve been doing prepping for next year gardening. Currently at 7 beds, aiming for 10 total. (Everyone bring sticks from your yard so we can build more)
Chalkboard - we need a chalkboard, maybe in concrete, to advertise events and such
Trellises - we need more trellises between the garden beds for climbing vines and annuals like spinach
Paths - we need help moving woodchips to redefine the paths thru the space, and maybe outliners for the beds (bricks, logs, whatever recycled materials you’d like)
Trees - if anyone wants to buy trees for the space, we could always use help with that
Fill in space - we also need help filling in the beds with annuals. Walking onion, walking comfrey, wildflower, etc are all good and we could use help buying them
Moon Wellness Garden - non binary wellness garden
Sound Garden - building Aeolian Harps and Aeolian organs, as well as wind chimes
Rain Garden - heavy plants take the runoff from the rain barrels
Lights - any lights you guys want to place in the space on trees or to mark the paths
Formal compost - set up a place for compost turning for annuals
WS Little Free Seed Library - Launch in May 2023
Median work - someone find something good to do with the median so we don’t have to mow it anymore